Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rebecca Black's "Friday" = Proof that comedy comes from pain

Comedy comes from pain…remember?  Here’s the proof…you know that Rebecca Black song, “Friday?”  Yeah, THAT song:

Well, it’s sold over 2 million copies on iTunes.  And why?  Because people think this massive trainwreck of teeny bopper pop is hilarious.  And why?  Because (it is hilarious) comedy comes from pain…nothing like seeing a pretty teenager totally humiliate herself with some terribly on the nose song lyrics (did you know that if yesterday was Thursday, today is Friday, and SATURDAY!?) and ridiculous on the nose music video.  The popularity of this song reminds me of that movie, The Room….I haven’t seen it, but I'd bet it wasn't supposed to be a "comedy."

Anyway, not sure there’s a lesson in all this, unless that lesson is: if you want to do comedy, don’t try to be funny, instead, try to do something serious and fail at it in a spectacular and humiliating way.  Ya hear that all you people making “funny” “spoof” videos?  Cut it out and try to make something “commercial” and “serious”…you know, like that "Chocolate Rain" guy:

Or, just upload videos of kittens...or better yet BABIES!  Everyone loves babies (but not baby writers).

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