Thursday, March 3, 2011


I don’t really want to contribute that much more to all the Charlie Sheen mania (especially since I think it might have a not so hilarious ending) but I thought I’d pass along this link from the Guardian because it’s kinda funny (it’s a quiz where you have to identify if a quote was said by Charlie Sheen or Muammar Gaddafi…I got 7 out of 10 right...riveting stuff).

A couple

As far as the actual Sheen controversy, the show, and stuff that matters to industry people, I don’t have that much of an opinion.  I hope the guy can get well and that all the people who depended on him for work will actually see paychecks for the last four unproduced episodes of the season (and that they’ll all find new jobs on pilots).

Also, slightly off topic, but I think industry physicals are a bunch of BS.  I know they’re done for insurance purposes and all that, but who are we kidding?  Why waste the time of the people who work on shows having to set these things up?  There are only like 4 doctors who do all the physicals anyway and I’ve never seen an actor fail one (no matter how sure I was that they might).  Not saying Sheen was doing mucho drink and drugs at the start of the season or whenever he had his last cast physical, but seriously…if these physicals aren't going to be taken seriously, why bother?

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