Friday, March 4, 2011

Baby Idol

Happy Friday!  It’s been a pretty productive week.  I would have liked to get more work done on my newest spec, but I couldn’t resist going back to my pilot for a few tweaks I had on my mind, as well as picking up a few long suffering projects.  It was also a productive week of watching American Idol…I think I’m into the new season for now, the talent level seems higher than it has been in recent years, although the judges are all way too nice…seriously, is Randy going to be the mean judge now?
Anyway, every time I watch Idol I can’t help but flash back to my own experience as a finalist for one of the TV writing programs and think that their selection process (and the selection process of many fellowships/script programs/contests) is a lot like Idol.  Think about it, lots of people who want a shot at turning their passion/hobby into a professional career sing a song/submit a script and hope their work is good enough to get noticed.  Then, if they make it past the first round they get to sing again/submit other scripts until they get to actually do their thing at an interview/on the live shows until finally…well, you get the idea.
I think one good thing about thinking about writing programs/contests that way is that it shows the importance of having multiple scripts (having more than one song).  Like that Scotty kid this year.  He sang that one song GREAT, but it was the only song he sang for a LONG time and people (me) as well as the judges started to wonder if it was the ONLY thing he could sing and that was a concern…one song does not an Idol make.  The same goes for scripts…if you only have one great sample, you’re like Scotty, singing the same song, over and over and over again…and one script does not a writer make.  
Baby lock them doors...

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