Thursday, February 3, 2011

Comedy comes from pain

To conclude the whole unlikable protagonist/Groundhog Day kick I've been on this week, I thought I'd talk just a little about one big reason why I think Groundhog Day is so darn funny.

There's this saying that comedy comes from pain.  I googled to see who said it first, but it has been passed around so much it's hard to say (maybe Plato?).  I think the idea is clearest when you think about the old gag of the man and the banana peel.  Watching a guy fall on a banana peel = funny...i.e. comedy comes from pain.  But, it's even BETTER when you take it one step further.  What's funnier than a simple banana peel slip (or a kick in the balls)?  Why, a banana peel slip that happens to someone who will experience the MOST pain from it.  Think about it, what's funnier: a clumsy clown slipping on a banana peel or a well dressed and proper gentleman slipping on a banana peel?  What if that gentleman is also arrogant about how prim and proper he is?  I think that's kind of the idea at work in Groundhog Day.  A fairly nice guy being forced into a frustrating time loop might be funny, but it's WAY funnier when that guy is like Phil, a slightly arrogant and easily annoyed jerk.

I think Judd Apatow has done this well quite a few times.  Look at The 40 Year Old Virgin.  There's the pain: being single/trying to date...then make it WORSE by making your protagonist a virgin...and WORST because they happen to be 40 years old.  Knocked Up is the same.  There's the pain: dealing with an unexpected pregnancy...then make it WORSE by making the couple a one night stand...and WORST when the guy is an irresponsible schlub like Seth Rogan (and the woman is a control freak like Katherine Heigl).

So there you have it, a way to put your likable OR unlikable protagonist to use...imagine them getting into the situation that will cause them the absolute most pain/awkwardness/whatever, and you might just have the makings of a really funny comedy.

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