Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Library baby

We decided to bug bomb our apartment for four hours yesterday (TMI?) so, I got to try writing outside the apartment (something I’ve mentioned before that I’m not too keen on).  Instead of Starbucks, I opted for my local library.  I’ve gotta admit I liked the quiet, there were some comfy chairs, and I definitely got work done.  However, at my library the plugs for the computers were far from the comfy chairs, so it was either drag my cord all over other people’s business (that sounds kinda dirty) or sit at a cold hard table with four other people.  In the end, I opted to just type this blog post and then shut down the old computer to do some reading (it is a library after all).
I once worked at a library with only old books like these.  Yes, they do smell.
Before shutting down, I ran across this blog post in my blog reading that is being passed around.
It's more geared towards baby novelists, but I think the message of hard work and stick-to-it-ness is universal to all forms of baby writing…definitely the type of thing worth telling yourself when you’re faced with rejection (if you haven’t faced it yet, don’t worry, you will).

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