Friday, March 18, 2011

On narration and kitten mittons

Happy Friday, all!  Let's see...what have I been up to...I did more revisions on my pilot, caught up a little on watching the show I want to spec this year, picked up a screenplay I set down ages ago because I was hating it (only to realize it's actually pretty finishable...if I cut about 20 pages out of it).

Besides that, I watched my Idol, squealed over THE KISS on Glee, kept tabs on my NCAA brackets (my significant other is kicking my ass so far) oh, and I finally watched Stranger Than Fiction, which I thought was great...nicely made, great acting (especially Emma Thompson) and the writing...oh, the writing...everything felt tight, nothing extraneous, and just...tremendous.

I admit, though I try to avoid it, I've written a thing or two with narration (not the best habit for a baby writer) but I just can't help it.  I'm a sucker for too many good movies (Shawshank, Goodfellas, Election, etc.) that use narration.  Anyway, because I like narration but I know it can be a crutch for bad writing, I loved the twist on the typical narrator that the film presents.  I was actually interested in watching the movie because that long suffering screenplay I referred to earlier has its own twist on a narrator.  Of course, seeing it made me totally jealous that my idea wasn't nearly as cool, but for now, I'll just focus on finishing the thing I did write and not the one I didn't, ha.

Anyway, that's all, I'm sure everyone is recovering from St. Paddy's Day...which reminds me, if you aren't watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, you should be.

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