Friday, March 25, 2011

See, John August also suggests writing a TV spec!

Happy Friday (it’s Friday, Fridaygotta get down on Friday)!

I’m in a good mood today despite the recent gloomy weather because I cut my new pilot to under 60 pages, I’m at work on my latest TV spec (which I’m psyched about), and I’m about to enjoy a piping hot bowl of noodles.
Speaking of, (TV specs, not noodles) yesterday, John August suggested on his blog that a team of baby writers who were getting attention from their spec screenplay tackle a TV spec as their next sample.  This raised some eyebrows but I couldn’t agree more with his spec advice.  A while back I also recommended writing TV specs (for different reasons, I admit…to practice the craft of TV writing before tackling a pilot, to use to apply for contests) nevertheless, it’s nice to see a pro promoting TV specs as good viable samples.
I must say, though, that he’s also TOTALLY giving away the secret that all us TV focused writers know already…that TV is where writer’s have it best in the industry and where the bulk of the best writing happens.
Anyway, even if you don’t listen to me, listen to John August and get cracking on a TV spec of your own…deadlines have already passed this year for certain programs (Nickelodeon) and others will be approaching soon enough.

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