Thursday, March 31, 2011

Is ageism really over?

Deadline Hollywood published an article a few weeks ago titled "Pilot Season: The End of Ageism."  The gist of the article was that more and more pilots are casting "older" actors (Eric Roberts, Don Johnson, Christine Lahti, and Tim Allen all are doing pilots this year and all are 55+ years of age).  The article also points to the recent success of Blue Bloods and Harry's Law which both have leads that were made older (and in one case, female) when Tom Selleck and Kathy Bates were cast, respectively.  The article also mentions Body of Proof which actually just premiered to very good numbers this past Tuesday.  The lead on that show was supposed to be in her mid 30s-40, but they cast Dana Delany, who is 55.

Personally, I'm not sure I totally buy into the whole "end of ageism" idea.  I think Hollywood is still as obsessed with youth as it ever was (Justin Bieber, American IdolJersey Shore).  But, I do agree that there definitely seems to be a lot more "older" actors on TV, though I might suggest that this is because some really good "older" actors can't crossover to movies.  Let's face it, unless you're Meryl Streep, there aren't a whole heck of a lot of roles for you if you're a lady of a certain age (the same is true for guys, though I think to a slightly lesser extent).  I think because of their age/lack of availability of roles in films, lots of really good actors are available to star in their own shows (this ends up being a plus for a show who gets a bigger star, like Kathy Bates, to headline).  Whatever the real reasons are, I appreciate the age shift, and I'm sure every actor who hasn't found the fountain of youth (or a really great plastic surgeon) is also grateful.  It always bothered me when shows would try to sell cute young guys and gals as accomplished surgeons, lawyers, pretty much accomplished anything, so I appreciate a show that can say, this woman is a genius brain surgeon and yeah, she's 55 not 25.

Finally, on an only slightly related note...actors seem to be aging better and better all the time.  Maybe they truly have found that fountain of youth.  I Christine Lahti seriously turning 61?  The women on Golden Girls were in their 60s...I guess 60 is the new 30 and 90 is the new 60.  Speaking of, has Betty White even aged since Golden Girls?  It's been 26 years since the show premiered and I think she looks almost exactly the's crazy.

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