Monday, April 4, 2011

Z's Pilot Preview: "Touch"

Touch – Fox

Description (from "Centers on a father who discovers his autistic, mute son can actually predict events before they happen."  Kiefer Sutherland stars.

First Impressions: Probably one of the more memorable premises I’ve heard this year, it definitely stands out amidst a sea of generic cop/doctor/crime shows (which could be good…or bad).  I’m curious, but to me this sounds so out there I think it can only be really good or really bad (i.e. audiences are gonna love it or hate it).  Overall: B-

Source Material: This is a totally original idea so without reading the script, it’s hard to judge (like all of these reviews, I’m playing development exec. trying to pick the best pitches).  But, the writer has created two successful original shows is the past, so I’ll let that tip the scales just a little.  Overall: B-

Actual Idea: This is pretty out there...I guess.  There IS something that seems Stephen Kingesque about a child with autism who is mute and can predict the future (didn’t King write characters kind of like this in The Stand and The Langoliers?).  I guess my big question is, what will this show be about, or rather, what is the goal of the father character?  Is this like Early Edition where he’s gonna try to change the future/latest bad things that is gonna happen every week?  Or, is this like FlashForward where there’s one big future mystery he’s going to try to solve (or maybe a combo of both)?  Will the show be very serious, or will there be humor (like using numbers his son gives him to win the lotto)?  Also, how will his son tell him what’s going to happen if he doesn't speak?  Will we see things from the child AND father’s perspective?  Is that going to be done in a really hokey way?  Finally, Sutherland starring suggests there is going to be some action in this…will there really be?  So many questions, so few answers, but at least I’m interested. Overall: B-

Show Title:  I think it’s a pretty good title actually, nice, simple, one word, but not a word that you see too much on TV shows (like doctor, or crime, or law) plus, as a title, it’s a little mysterious (like the show itself).  I could hear people say “Are you watching Touch?  It’s great!”  The title implies that touching is going to be important (my guess is the son touches people and can see their futures?).  My only problem with that idea is that it reminds me of a certain Christopher Walken SNL skit.  Overall: A-

Writer: Tim Kring.  Most well known for creating Crossing Jordan and Heroes, he also worked on Chicago Hope and Providence.  I think his own shows have had a bit of a dark side while still being very commercial and that seems well suited for Fox and make this show feel like it could be a good fit for that network.  He’s certainly experienced with crime procedural, family drama, as well as supernatural action, which is kind of what I think this show is gonna be…so that’s a big plus for me.  I’ve gotta say that I really enjoyed the first season of Heroes (even though I thought I wouldn’t) and I hope this would be really good as well...but the later seasons of Heroes do give me pause.  Overall: A-

Cast: Kiefer Sutherland.  That’s all I could find right now.  I’m REALLY curious to see who else is cast.  Will his character have a wife/ex wife…how old will the son be…child, teen, adult (I’m guessing young child)?  Without knowing those things, all I've got is Kiefer...but that's not bad.  He was a big star for Fox on 24, so he’s got fans already watching the network.  I’m guessing he’s going to be doing some ass kicking action stuff on this show and not just the typical fatherly stuff.  I think that’s how his fans want to see him (kicking ass), so that sounds good to me.  Overall: B+ (would be in the As but I don’t know any other cast yet).

Director: Charles McDougall - The Chicago Code (pilot), The Good Wife (pilot), The Office (?), Parks and Rec (???), Sex and the City (????).  Well, this is a director who is obviously talented (and lucky) enough to get to go all over the place...crime procedural, family drama, docu comedy, HBO comedy.  Of all these, I watched The Good Wife pilot and thought it was really excellent and had a lot of style.  But, all these different styles, especially the ones that lean more comedic make me wonder if the show is gonna be a lot brighter and have a lot less action than I thought (though I guess The Chicago Code is actiony).  Overall: B

Producer: Tim Kring, Peter Chernin, Katherine Pope, Kiefer Sutherland.  Chernin is a former heavy hitter at Fox who now has his own company.  He and Pope just did Breakout Kings, which is doing well on A&E (but got rejected by Fox where it was supposed to go), also they’re producers on Terra Nova which just can’t seem to get finished…so that’s interesting.  Kring has obviously had more than one success prior to this, and the last show Kiefer got producer credit on was 24, so he must like this role and believe in this project enough to put his name on it, which is a good sign from a star.  Overall: B


Overall GradeB/B+

Will it get picked upYes.  I can't see Fox passing on a new Kiefer Kring’s shows have done pretty well recently.  The only strange thing to me is that since announcing the show I haven’t seen much online about it (no casting updates) so maybe something is amiss?  I wouldn’t be shocked if this gets a late start and is gonna be for midseason, or show up later (doesn’t Kiefer still have a 24 movie to make?).

Will it survive season 1Yes.  I’m gonna roll the dice on this and say that if this show actually happens, Kiefer and Kring will have the magic touch (har har) and this show will be a success.  Like I said, this concept is pretty out there, and without knowing more, it’s hard to say if it’s the right amount of out there (like Lost) or if it’s gonna miss the mark.  If it is good, Fox has done well with “out there” shows/shows that break rules or do things differently (like 24, and even Glee) so, I think people will be excited to try something different (also, unlike Lone Star which was risky and failed, this show has a bigger more tested star, and feels less “cable” and more “network,” which means more commercial to me, and better ratings).

Will it be good/will I watch?  Yesmaybe…I’m actually not a huge fan of Kiefer or 24, no offense to him or the show, just wasn’t my cup of tea…but I liked season 1 of Heroes, and would like a really different show to get behind.  So, I think I’ll give this a shot...and if it’s good, I’ll certainly stay tuned.

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