Friday, April 8, 2011

Pretty Boring

Happy Friday!  Let's see...what's new...I’ve been playing nurse the past week to my Significant Other who had some minor surgery, but is recovering nicely.  Other than that, just working on that new TV spec after catching up on all the current episodes of the show.  And…that’s all from writing land...pretty boring.

Speaking of pretty and boring, Perfect Pia got voted off Idol.  While I was surprised to see her go, I always did find her a tad robotic.

But, I thought auto tune was "in"

Even a super “perfect” singer like Celine Dion has lots of fist pounding/chest thumping passion in her shows, and Pia was kinda…stiff.  But, she’s young and incredibly talented and she’ll probably get more comfortable in her own skin...with time.

I guess I could say Pia was like a script that hits all the beats at the right pages but fails to get you because it’s just...dull (or to look at it from the inverse, yeah the script for The Social Network might break all the rules, but screw “perfect” and “normal” because it’s an extremely compelling read).

Or…maybe there’s no writing related lesson to learn from Pia’s surprising early exit, but rather, a writing contest related lesson and that is: even if everyone tells you you’re great, taste is subjective… or not win, if you have a product people want, and you market it well, people will buy it…eventually.  Sure, Carrie Underwood won the show and sold a ton of records and won tons of awards, but for every Carrie there is a winner like Ruben or Taylor who flopped while contestants who lost like Chris Daughtry, Jennifer Hudson, and Clay Aiken have gone on to more success.  Heck, some famous singers like Colbie Caillat didn't even make the cattle call cut to sing for the judges.

In other words, well, I don’t know exactly what my point was.  Talent wins out in the end?  Or…keep working hard, and stick with it!  Or…contest?  You don’t need no stinkin’ contest!  Take one of these and remember it if you ever get rejected by a writing related contest…especially if you make that first or even second cut, only to fall short at the end (I know I did).

In other non Idol entertainment news, Alec Baldwin said 30 Rock was ending next year (boo) then back pedaled and confused everyone (huh?).  Oh, and after teasing about it in numerous interviews/excerpts from her new book (that I’m super psyched to readTina Fey announced she was 5 months pregnant (yay!  I clearly love babies) and also she will host SNL on May 7th (double yay!).

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