Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Where can you get the UTA Job List?

This is a simple question but still very valid (especially since tons of people I know are unemployed right now).

For the short answer, go to the Temp Diaries blog, put your name on their email list, and they’ll send it to you (along with “secret” jobs not on the list):

http://www.tempdiaries.com/p/job-list.html (if you Googled “UTA job list,” you probably already figured this out since it's the first page that comes up).

The UTA job list = Hollywood's Want Ads...sorta

Now, if you’re reading this and asking yourself: what the heck is this UTA job list?  Read on…

The UTA job list is a top secret (or not really top secret) list distributed by UTA (one of the 4 major agencies here in Hollyweird). The list is free, you don’t have to pay to get a subscription, and it used to be quite exclusive (but I think since the internet has existed it’s been posted all over the place). The way the list works is people and companies all over town submit their job listings via joblist@unitedtalent.com then, UTA sends out a list with those job posts...and then, the roughly one zillion people who read the list apply to the jobs. The list is updated a couple times a week with new jobs. The list is split into several categories (exec/management level, assistant, personal assistant, new media, music etc.). The bulk of the jobs are at agencies, management companies, studios, and production companies (i.e. desk jobs…8-6, maybe have benefits, you’ll probably have to dress nicely).  And, of course, the job list always advertises for eager young folks who want to give it a go in UTA’s own mailroom. There are the occasional “crew” and production jobs, but they're usually less technical and more like "office PA for a show/company who produces several shows," nothing like “G&E needed for commercial.”

As far as how effective the job list is…well, pretty much everyone I know says that the job list is worthless because so many people apply for the very few jobs and by the time you get the list, the job is already filled/you never get a response. I actually knew someone who worked at UTA once upon a time who used to occasionally forward me listings before they got posted (shush, don’t tell). I’m sure I’m not the only one. On the flip side, I did get an interview for a rare writer’s assistant job off the list a couple years ago (not forwarded early to me), and I sent a listing to a friend for a producer’s assistant job last year. The listing was a couple days old but my friend still got an interview after they applied…so hey, if you see something good on the list, it’s always worth a shot.

Anyway, if you aren’t on an email tracking board that passes the list around already, use the Temp Diaries link to find the list/sign up to have it emailed to you. I signed up just to see how their system works and it seems to me that sometimes it comes sooner than the people forwarding it on the boards, and sometimes later, so it's pretty okay.  Also, anyone who has worked a soul sucking assistant or temp job will enjoy reading the Temp Diaries blog itself.

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