Wednesday, April 27, 2011

20th Century Fox announces “Emerging Writers” Program

On Monday, 20th Century Fox announced it will start an “Emerging Writers” program.  No word yet on all the nitty gritty details, so keep your eyes peeled for more info.  From the looks of the Deadline article, the program will be motion picture writing centric, focus on original ideas (not rewrites or existing franchises), and I imagine this will be one of those writing programs where you’ll need an agent/manager to submit you when the time comes for submitting...and they'll probably have their pick of black list writers.  In other words, it's probably one of those programs that's kinda useless to most unrepped baby writers or baby writers who are repped but only by smaller/boutique agencies or managers who don’t have as strong of a relationship with the major studios.  Buuuuut, I could be wrong…it might be open to everyone the way the big TV writing programs and the Nicholl are (speaking of which, if you’re submitting to the Nicholl this year, scripts are due this next Monday, May 2nd).  Maybe if you win, you can have your new CAA agent submit you to this program.

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