Thursday, April 14, 2011

They come in 3s

And now, 3 random things I wanted to write about that I could fit into one post:

If you watched Parenthood on Tuesday, you saw the ad that the last season of Friday Night Lights will air on NBC starting tomorrow night (April 15th).  I’d heard a rumor about this months ago but couldn’t find the actual details/confirmation until recently.  Like pretty much every baby writer I know, I really love FNL, and all I can say is, dammit NBC why did you take this off your network in the first place!?  Ratings be damned, this is an amazing show.  Oh well, I get that this is a least the show wasn't cancelled entirely before this, and now it gets to “come home” so to speak and air its final episodes on the network where it all started...and shame on everyone (including me) for not watching it when it originally aired.

Kevin Smith is tweeting.  Here, he gives a baby writer a pep talk.  It’s all a little grandiose and indulgent to me, but he puts in just a dash of self-deprecation at the end to keep me from vomiting in my mouth.  Not sure what I think about him mildly dissing other artists and musicians…I guess everyone wants to think their art is the superior delivery method of art.  Also, trying to decide if I was actually a god, what would I be god of?  It would have to be something cool, but useful, something everyone universally likes.  I think I’d pick donuts.

And finally, Sidney Lumet.  The acclaimed director passed away last Saturday.  I’ve actually referenced Lumet’s work in passing twice before on this blog (Network, and 12 Angry Men).  As someone who got into movies and TV via theater originally, I think I was drawn to Lumet's work because he did so many film adaptations of popular plays and also directed the work of so many renowned playwrights/writers: (Tennessee Williams - The Fugitive Kind, Paddy Chayefsky - Network, David Mamet - The Verdict, and the list goes on). He also made movies with characters who had something to say or were extremely passionate about something. These are the types of characters and movies that make you think, and I think any movie or script that is compelling enough to do that is something pretty special.

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