Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Won't move to LA, but still want to be a writer?

LA has heard my complaints about the weather and has responded with a beautiful sunny day.  Thanks!  In other cool news, some recent mail hijinks has confirmed a semi-famous actress lives in the apartment directly above mine (which is funny because I swore a tap dancer lived directly above me...maybe that's just the extra large cockroaches?).  
Looking back, I realize I've met the actress in passing in our elevator but I totally didn't notice because all actors and actresses are actually TINY in real life.  Or, GIANT.  There is no in between.  Anyway, I just had to mention this because despite living in LA for several years, I NEVER see celebrities or pseudo celebrities unless I'm at work and they're asking me for something (usually a beverage).  But now, one lives above me!  Yet another part of my sales pitch for moving to LA (Come to LA!  Land of famous neighbors and tap dancing cockroaches!).
Speaking of which...I was thinking about my last post, and I have a few revisions.  Yes, you wonderful LA hating babies, you don’t HAVE to move to LA (or NYC) if you don’t want to.  Even if Los Angeles isn't as dangerous as you might think, I get it.  LA is still expensive, big, occasionally soul sucking, tough for families, and writers can write anywhere, right?  So, what should you do if you want to be a writer but won’t move to LA? 
Well, the big exceptions I can think of to the LA rule are writers who write books.  I think authors can pretty much live anywhere and still find a way to sell their stuff.  Didn’t Stephanie Meyer write Twilight from her home in Utah in between changing baby diapers?  Yeah, those stories are one in a million and you shouldn't count on becoming the next Stephanie Meyer, but if you have your heart set on a career in writing and won’t live in LA, I’d suggest focusing on novels or nonfiction.
BUT,  let’s say that’s not what you want.  Noooo, you want to write screenplays and TV shows, but won't move.  Then what?  Well, you're screwed!  Just kidding.  I think you actually still have a few options.  More on that next time...

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