Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bad networking types - PART 2

And now, the dramatic conclusion to yesterday's post on bad networking types!  Here are a few more people everyone dreads running into at a mixer.  Take note, and try not to fall into any of these categories.

Debby Downer
Some people (like Woody Allen) can be down on themselves or self deprecating in a way that’s adorable, even lovable, or simply in a way that doesn’t make you want to ditch them for whoever is on the phone...“Excuse me, I’ve gotta take this.”  But, the majority of us can’t do this well.  I’d say this is the type of bad networking personality I fall into the most…and I totally hate when I do.  Try not to be a Debby Downer.  Maybe you want to downplay accomplishments and ambitions so you don’t sound braggy...that’s fine, but putting yourself down makes people uncomfortable and diminishing yourself makes it hard for people to get to know who you are and exactly what you do.  Likewise, if you got laid off, your girlfriend left you, you got passed over for that promotion you deserved, and you just can’t get a break, try not to dwell on it too much.  If the person you're talking with tells you "sorry" or "that sucks" more than once during your conversation, that's a bad sign.  It’s cool to say you’re looking for a job and you need help.  Some people don’t know to offer help or don’t want to insult you by offering help if they don’t know you need it.  I think the key is seeming upbeat while still serious and not self loathing or pitying.

The Drunk
I actually don’t mind the drunk too much.  Sometimes The Drunk is fun or does something hilarious.  Honestly, they probably hate these things as much as I do...but avoid being The Drunk or getting the reputation for always being The Drunk.  Save The Drunk for your birthday party, Vegas, or not when you’re meeting a bunch of potential work associates for the first time.

The  Town Gossip
When you come face to face with a bad networking type it’s important to handle yourself gracefully.  As much fun as it is to pick on all these types, it’s best to vent your feelings at home…alone...on your blog, and not at the actual event.  Don’t put down or gossip about other people within earshot of them (or to their face…I’ve seen that happen too).  You never know who you might be speaking to when you gossip away.  Even raised eyebrows and rolling eyes are bad.  I know it can be tempting to bond with other people over how much you HATE the drunk guy, the braggy bragster, little miss brown noser, or the aspiring actress who keeps handing out her headshot, but try and restrain yourself.  Resist the urge to become that person because, they often come off worse than the people they're gossiping about.  It might seem okay to pick on someone while you’re laughing it up with a couple people who seem to agree with you, but honestly, if we’ve just met and this is my first impression of you, I always wonder if you’re not going to make fun of ME when I turn my back.  Why would I want to trust or help someone like that?  While you're out networking, focus on being the best YOU can be and not on critiquing the performance of the other networkers.

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