Saturday, January 1, 2011

Uh, read my blog, okay?

Hi, my name is Z, and I’m a baby writer.  Let me be clear, this blog doesn’t have anything to do with babies (although I think they are adorable and tasty).  No, this is a blog to chronicle my adventures as a young and fairly inexperienced writer (a baby writer, if you will).  Like many other babies out there I’m trying to make a living writing (TV, movies, novels, okay, mostly TV). 

Wait!  Don’t close that window!  Let me be clear, I’m not completely inexperienced, and I think I have stories, unsolicited advice, and other good stuff to share that will make reading this here blog worth your while.  That, or I made a New Year’s resolution to finally start a blog and I like listening to the sound of my own voice in my head.

If you’re not sure, well then, here’s a little bit more about me…I live in LA, I went to film school out here, I’ve worked at production companies in their development departments, and I’ve also worked directly on films and TV shows.  I know actual writers with actual agents who have written actual things you might have actually seen.  I’ve written, directed, and produced things that have appeared in festivals, won awards, and been licensed for distribution, oh, and once upon a time, I was a finalist for one of those prestigious TV writing fellowship/workshop/program thingies.

But, I haven’t made it yet (clearly, ha) and I’m still out in the trenches, working long hours by day, and writing by night (or when the boss isn’t looking).  Join me on my exciting foray into the wonderful world of blogging.

Oh, and if you want to send me questions, suggestions, or not pictures of your private parts, feel free to do so at  Please, no requests to read your work…babies can’t read.

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