Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Screenplays for "The Social Network" and "The King's Speech"

Holy scripts Batman!  This past week, Deadline Hollywood posted (with permission from Sony Pictures and The Weinstein Co.) the scripts for both The Social Network and The King's Speech (if you missed those articles, get to each one and the subsequent script by clicking those links, Aaron Sorkin also does a Q&A).  While many people in the Hollywood grapevine have likely passed around and read these scripts already, not everyone is on a tracking board or has friends who work at agencies, so this is really great.  It's not only nice to see these scripts released for public consumption and education, but it also shines the spotlight on screenwriters, and let's face it, screenwriters often get the shaft or go unnoticed (okay, maybe not Aaron Sorkin, but I'd never heard of David Seidler before).  I'm sure the release of these scripts corresponds with awards season/Oscar campaigning (The Social Network and The King's Speech just won the top screenplay awards at the Critics' Choice Movie Awards) so, enjoy!

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