Monday, May 9, 2011

Z's Pilot Preview: The rest of the rest!

Well, my blog hiatus didn’t last long!  As I said, I wanted to finish up this Pilot Preview business.

With that, I present the shows at the bottom of the totem pole for me.  Not saying some of these won’t get picked up (we’ll get to that next week) but these are the shows I have the greatest doubts of success about either based on their logline/or because they seem like bad matchs for their network.  Not saying any of these are “bad” shows (I'm only going off loglines) just that they don’t jump out at me in the right way.  Time will tell just how wrong I am…

Tired of all the pilots, yet?

This show sounds a tad silly….the women are “secret half-sisters” also cop drama Detroit 187 didn’t fair that well on ABC…plus no big actors here either…I doubt it gets picked up and if by some miracle it does, I would guess it won’t last.

The River
I think this might get picked up and I know horror is hot on film and Paranormal Activity was especially hot, but I don’t see this show fitting with the ABC brand at all…and I don’t think people who like Paranormal Activity are exactly ABC’s target audience.  ABC might pick it up to try their luck at striking gold/doing something new, but honestly, I don’t see this working as well as they think it will.


Hail Mary
I think this also might be picked up and I know this has Minnie Driver but a “Buddy P.I.” show sound too comedic for CBS (plus not sure Driver is the kind of actress CBS audiences would like)…it is a crime procedural though, so maybe I shouldn’t sell it short?  But then again, I don’t love the title.

Once again, big TV star Sarah Michelle Gellar. But, this just feels more Fox than CBS…plus not sure it’s actually a procedural which doesn’t bode well.


This seems too strange to me, but honestly, no clue what direction NBC is going right now, I just can’t really picture what this show IS.

A perfect example of why this isn’t a list of shows I think are “bad.”  This sounds awesome, but no way it could be a network show…right?  First of all, it would be crazy expensive, and secondly, it seriously sounds like an HBO show


Cooper And Stone
A super girly detective show on the CW?  Nah, that’s okay.  Leave the crime procedurals to the other networks.

Danni Lowinski
Putting this show on this rest of the rest list was tough because I actually think this sounds kinda cute, and funny (reminds me a little of Wonderfalls) but with no huge stars I just don’t see this going anywhere.  And also, the whole law practice aspect feels un-CW while the whole show concept might be too quirky (even for me…and especially the CW).

The concept of this show kinda confuses me.  Not sure about a legal themed show on the CW, either…I know CW can do the whole fantasy thing, I just don’t buy into this.

And that’s all the shows…right?  Did I miss any big ones?  Next week are upfronts (yay!).  I’ll try to do a final post about what I’d LIKE to see picked up and what I think WILL get picked up.  Get excited for all the new shows!

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