Friday, May 6, 2011

Just another frantic Friday

Happy Friday, all!

Ugh, it's not so happy actually.  I’m soo soo busy right now.  Between getting my spec in shape for all the contest deadlines coming up and the webseries I’m helping out on, I hardly have time for my first love (Idol).

So with that, I’m announcing a teensy bit of a hiatus from daily blog posts…pretty much, just until June (and I so wanted to make it to 100 posts in a row first…oh well!).

In case of emergency, break the blog posting chain.

Now, I’m not going away completely till then, I’m too excited about the new pilots and upfronts not to finish up with my posts on that (and not to comment on all the new shows) but…I’ve got to get this stuff done, and so my little blog that could is getting the shaft for now.

So yeah, don’t fear (you weren’t) I’ll be back to daily posts soon enough.  You shouldn’t be reading this anyway.  That’s right, stop procrastinating and finish your own darn scripts already!

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