Monday, May 2, 2011

Z's Pilot Preview: The best of the rest of the rest!

Another Monday, another set of pilot reviews/previews.  As I continue down the pilot rabbit hole, here are shows I’m a little more on the fence about (remember, I've only read the scripts yet).  Some of these I think will totally get picked up but I’m not sure about their staying power/how good they are and some I really like conceptually, but am not sure they’ll make it/are right for their network.  Also, stay tuned for next week when I’ll go over "the rest of the rest" (or you can spoil the surprise and figure out what those shows are right now, based on what I haven’t previewed yet).

Ugh, more shows...are we at upfronts yet?


Charlie’s Angels
I think this will get picked up for the name recognition alone and I do like Minka Kelly from FNL, but I’m not a huge Charlie’s Angels fan (it's just kinda boring to me, and now that it can't be so overtly sexist, it's become this bogus girl power thing).  On the other hand, it’s not as ridiculous as a Wonder Woman remake (I mean, the movies did do really well) but I think a show like this could easily get the ax early.

I think this will probably get picked because of the pedigree of Marc Cherry (and the super awesome Terry O’Quinn) but it seems weird/ reminds me of that show Happy Town for some reason (an ABC flop) so, I’m not sure it will have sticking power or generate a big enough following.

This sounds kinda cool, but like it should have been for CBS and not ABC.  Maybe if ABC wants to try its luck with a crime/action procedural it will roll the dice and pick this up, but I’m not sure it will get a big following on ABC.

Pan Am
Like Playboy, this is a Mad Men effect show.  I like the concept of this show but the competition on ABC this year is really steep and period shows are expensive.  Soooo...not sure this will make it.  I do think it fits well with the ABC brand (being a soap and all) and it does have Christina Ricci who is still a pretty big star.  Buuut, as much as everyone wants a “cable-like” show this year, those shows don’t draw the really big audiences that network shows need to survive (cough, Lone Star, cough).

This sounds cool to me...cooler than that other "period" show Pan Am (and I like Kings’ Chris Egan) but I'm not sure I totally see it on ABC.  First, it’s a crime procedural (same problem Identity has) and yeah, ABC only has one that’s done well recently (Castle) and second, it is set in the 1840s.  A show set in the 1960s is one thing...I don’t know if a historical period drama can make it on a mainstream non-cable network, but maybe the proceduralness will make it more accessible (and help limit locations to make the show seem smaller in scale...and less expensive to make).  Overall, this is one show that I find myself debating about a lot...not sure what will happen here.

This feels like this show would have been better for the CW (with the young cast and Hamptons setting)…also a revenge based show seems kinda mean/wouldn’t be that much fun to watch.  I do, however, like Emily Van Camp of Everwood, but not sure this is perfect for ABC, especially in a year where they seem to have lots of good shows on the horizon.


Person of Interest
I think this might get picked up simply because of J.J.'s name and awesome star Michael Emerson.  But, something about J.J. Abrams and CBS just doesn’t jive for me.  The whole reclusive billionaire and CIA stuff seems too slick for the network (and CIA show CHAOS just flopped on CBS).  I guess I’m picturing a male driven Alias type show (it only barely worked on ABC...and then Undercovers flopped last year...maybe CIA shows are just out).

Untitled Susannah Grant
I like Susannah Grant, but the supernatural aspect of this show feels un-CBS to me.  Also, I think I like The Doctor more…so the question is...will CBS do 2 new doctor shows?  Maybe...


17th Precinct
This show sounds kinda cool and once again, no clue what direction NBC wants to go in but as well as Heroes did, this feels maybe TOO genre for the network...I see it more on FOX…or even SyFy.

A Mann’s World
Another Mad Men effect show.  While Don Johnson used to be a big star, I just see this fighting with Playboy for the network’s affection and in the end, I think Playboy will win out...but the show’s concept does intrigue me since it is so different.


Exit Strategy
I think this will probably get picked up because Fox loves shows with movie stars, but nothing about this strikes me as new or interesting.  Also, a show about a group of super smart elite specialist type people reminds me of the struggling Breaking In for some reason (only obviously this is not supposed to be fun/funny).  Plus, I'll say it again, I think CIA themed shows might be out.  But hey, Orci and Kurztman?

Locke & Key
I think this could get picked up based on the name recognition of the graphic novel and pedigree of the higher ups, but I’m not really itching to see it.  I just think haunted house/horror stories work better in movies than on TV, so I wouldn't be shocked to see this flop even if it does get picked up.

Weekends At Bellevue
I adore Lauren Ambrose of Six Feet Under, so I’m curious about this show, and Fox has had success with character driven medical drama House…but so many female cast members makes me think this is too female heavy for the Fox audience (I see their scripted shows as more male leaning while their reality shows lean female).


Zombies on the CW?  Sure, why not?  Not entirely sold on this show though, I’d want to see how good/bad the effects are, and just know more about the overall tone...but if any network was gonna have a successful zombie show (and try to cash in on the popularity of The Waking Dead/zombie craze) it was probably gonna be the CW.

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