Monday, June 20, 2011

You must listen to...Jen Grisanti's interviews with writers!

So, I'm plugging away on the next big thing I'm up to (and yeah, maybe doing a little internet surfing procrastination) when I ran across something cool...

Half off blankets and pacifiers...kidding.

I’ve heard of Jen Grisanti and think I’ve even mentioned her somewhere on this blog before...but somehow I only just checked out her awesome blog and all the sweet podcast interviews she has posted with various writers.  Anyway, now I’m addicted and I’d highly recommend listening to them.  I’ve added the blog to my links on the right (under YOU MUST READ).

I especially recommend listening to her latest interview…it’s with FNL and Parenthood writer David Hudgins (Hudgins also created/ran the show Past Life…which he talks about).  The whole interview was really cool, but one of the best parts was when Hudgins (and Grisanti) recommended writing specs.  While I just finished a spec and am working on a pilot right now (because I want to and yeah, because pilots are supposedly hotter to have than specs) it was great to hear a couple pros advocate for specs.  After putting so much darn time into them for contest season, it’s nice to know that a former (and likely future) showrunner like Hudgins would like to read them.

I think Hudgins makes the excellent point that while reading original work is great and can show how amazing and creative you are (like a script about a man with pork chop hands) a spec can show your ability to capture the voice of a character…something pretty much impossible to judge in a pilot don't know these characters the way you know the characters on a show you like and watch.

So yeah, huge recommend…what are you waiting for?  Check out the site/interviews, already!

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