Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Man with the Pork Chop Hands

In exploring the internets a little while back, I ran across an old interview on Televisionary with showrunner Bryan Fuller where he talks about staffing Pushing Daisies (ah, too short lived).  The part of the interview that struck me the most was where Fuller mentions hiring writer Kath Lingenfelter because of a script she wrote about…wait for it…a man with pork chops for hands!  Now, this sort of script may not be for everybody/the best sample for every show, but I’ve gotta tell you…if I was a showrunner looking to staff my show, I’d sure like to read the script about the man with pork chop hands….and I bet you would, too!

There you are, righty and lefty!  I thought I lost you guys!

At any rate, this little anecdote really blew me away and was a wake up call of sorts.  I always strive to have my writing be top notch and to come up with unique and compelling ideas, but this just showed me how some pros are on a whole other level (pork chops...for hands...okay clearly I'm obsessed).

I’ve gotta say, the last pilot I wrote was…well…let’s just say, I wouldn’t have written it if I didn’t think it was an interesting and unique idea, but it’s also fairly “network” and “mainstream”…and yeah, it’s no man with freakin' pork chops for hands!

Anyway, I’ve been stuck on this whole pork chop thing ever since I finished my last spec and decided the next thing I wanted to write was another pilot.  Now, I was going to write another idea I’ve had for a while, a show that I thought was pretty cool and has a crime procedural element and's also very “network” and “mainstream” in certain ways.  Buuuuut...I’ve put it on the back burner for a while, while I brainstorm coming up with something new that will hopefully be more...outside the box…we’ll see how I do.

So thanks, man with pork chop hands, for inspiring me to try something different…I hope reading about this inspires other baby writers to try writing something really different, too.  Oh, and if anyone knows where I can find or read that pork chop hands script…let me know!

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