Friday, February 18, 2011

Almost finished...

I’m almost done with my pilot!!!  Sigh…that was supposed to read: I FINISHED MY PILOT!!!  But, I’ve got to write this post before tomorrow, and at this moment I’ve still got 2 key scenes I’ve outlined that I’ve yet to write.  When those are done, I will do a little happy dance, then put the script away for a week…and then I’ll pick it up again and rip it apart.  I’m good on page count now, I had some problems with length early on, but now I’m at 57 pages with only the 2 scenes left to flesh out, so I think when I'm done editing I’m going to be close to my goal of 60 pages/a little less than 60 pages.  My only problem is that I think my first act still feels too long while a couple of the other acts feel too short…but fixing that will come LATER.
I know I need to get faster with my writing (the turnaround when you’re writing on an actual show is FAST…shows gotta get made) but since this is my pilot/baby and will probably only ever be a writing sample, I’m willing to massage and nurture it for a nice long time.
Next week while I'm letting the pilot rest, I’ll probably start a new spec for this year’s round of TV writing program applications (depending on what I decide to spec).  I’m trying not to start too soon since the fate of certain shows I’m interested in isn’t so certain right now, and I don’t want to get a ton of work done on a show that gets we'll see.
Anyway, that's all for now...gotta get back to work...BUT, as a side note, I will leave you with my random thought of the day and that is...what is up with that Adrien Brody Stella Artois commercial?  
"STELLAAAAAAA!" (said in Marlon Brando voice)
I find it SO…I don’t know…it’s kind of sexy, kind of nuts, kind of hilarious since he’s serenading a beer…at least it’s memorable.  Hey, side note to my original side note, did you know that Stella is like Bud in Europe (they’re actually both owned by Anheuser-Busch)?  My friend who has traveled a bit says that Europeans make fun of American hipsters who go on and on about how much they LOVE Stella because it’s like going on and on about how much you love Bud Light.  Okay, side note over, back to work!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I assume that you pilot is now officially finished, complete with the last two scenes :) I am so horrible at finishing things, I start dozens of projects and then leave them for my newest, "greatest" idea!
