Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What show should you spec this year?

I'll probably post in more detail on this in the next few months as more baby writers plan their specs for the upcoming TV writing program/contest season, but for now, a (fairly) short post.  

As I mentioned before, while pilots are the hot thing to have, new specs are still important to baby writers (until all the contests change their rules to allow pilots).  So, what should you spec this year?  There are lots of opinions and "rules" out there for specs that sometimes conflict: 

  • Spec something popular so readers will recognize it/DON'T spec something popular since you'll have too much competition.
  • Spec a show that's well established/DON'T spec a show that's been around too long and is overdone.
  • Spec a show in its first season if it's a big hit/NEVER spec a show in its first season.

Rules, rules, rules.  I think the most important thing to remember is that whatever you write it MUST BE GREAT.  I think people worry about "rules" a little too much sometimes.  Yes, it's smart to not pick the most overdone shows to spec because you'll have lots of competition, but if you have an AMAZING idea for a popular show, who cares?  Anyway, like I said, I'll offer more unsolicited advice later, but for now, a link to get your brain started...

While all the "rules" out there aren't set in stone there is ONE RULE that is fairly stern, and that's that you can't submit a spec for a show that has been cancelled or has ended (well, I mean, I GUESS technically a lot of these competitions say you can submit a show that aired new episodes this year, but seriously, why would you spec a show that was canned?).  Note, this is just a list of network shows, there are many cable shows out there as well.  Also note, I actually think this list is a tad optimistic for some of the lower rated "looking good" shows...keep your eyes peeled for more news on new renewals...and pray hard if you wanted to spec "Chuck" this year.

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