Friday, February 4, 2011

Keep warm, keep writing

I’m actually out of town today/the rest of the weekend and am writing this on Thursday – okay, I always write the day(s) before my posts go up, but this one feels like funny time travel since I'm away from my office.
Today, I’m someplace that should be warm but isn’t because of the residual effects of all the crazy weather our country has been having.  Seriously, I hear it’s like The Day After Tomorrow in all those “flyover” states where most of my family lives.   But hey, if you’re stuck inside, what better time to buckle down and get some writing done?
Speaking of writing, I’m feeling better about my pilot now on several levels.  Probably mostly importantly, I was talking to a TV writer friend who recently made the jump from baby writer to pro, and they stressed the importance of having lots of samples, in particular original samples (i.e. pilots over specs).  I guess this shift from pilots to specs has been happening for some time now, but it feels good to be on the right path.  I mean, my friend basically said that agents don’t even want to look at you if you don’t have a pilot…or alternatively that they know several pro writers who made their mark with one really excellent pilot.  So, pilots away, keep warm, keep writing, and have a lovely weekend everyone!

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