Monday, March 7, 2011

You must read..."What the Dog Saw"

Alright, confession, I’m recommending this book before finishing it, but I’m enjoying it quite a bit so I figured there wasn’t much harm in passing it along.  As mentioned before, I’m a total junkie for Malcolm Gladwell, especially his book, Outliers.  Also, I have jury duty this upcoming week, so I’m totally going to finish this book while I’m waiting to see if I get selected.
Tell me what the dog saw!  Tell me!

Speaking of jury duty, I know most people dread being summoned and want to get out of the whole ordeal, but I’m kind of hoping I get picked just for the experience.  As a baby writer living in LA, I don’t get many opportunities to go outside of the typical things I experience or to see how people doing non-Hollywood careers work (medical, legal, etc.) and considering so many TV shows are about people in these non-Hollywood careers, I welcome the chance to see some of that first hand.
And, that’s another reason I recommend What the Dog Saw.  Like all of Gladwell books, it’s non-fiction, in this case a diverse collection of articles he has written.  While it’s awesome to read novels and scripts to learn how great writers write and tell stories, I think it’s also important to try new things (like jury duty) and read non-fiction and news articles to get inspired/get ideas for all those awesome scripts you're going to write.

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