Happy November! Today marks the day I have to remember to pay my rent as well as the start of NaNoWriMo (say that 3 times fast). NaNoWriMo actually stands for National Novel Writing Month and it's a grand yearly event designed to get all writers (though mostly baby writers such as myself) off our butts so we can write the next
Harry Potter already (or, at least the first 50,000 words of some other new fabulous book). I believe I first heard about NaNoWriMo when Sara Gruen mentioned in an interview that her bestseller,
Water For Elephants, was written during NaNoWriMo (or, I read that just now on the
Water For Elephants Wikipedia page). However I found out, now you know too, so there you have it, NaNoWriMo has some serious street cred!
NaNoWriMo, NaNoWriMo, NaNoWriMo!
Anyway, for more info you should probably go to the official
NaNoWriMo website where you can actually sign up and get tools to help you plan your novel, police your word count, interact with other baby authors, and just encourage one another. Or, you know, you can be a hermit like me and secretly participate in NaNoWriMo without signing up for anything. Just remember, we’ve only got until November 30th to TCB on NaNoWriMo. So, do like me...DVR the X Factor, stop watching TMZ, and get going on NaNoWriMo...ASAP.
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