Monday, April 11, 2011

Z's Pilot Preview: "The Doctor"

The Doctor - CBS

Description (from IMDB) - "Centers on a mother who reconnects with her adult children when she joins the family medical practice."  (From Deadline Hollywood) "Emily, a mother, reconnects with her adult children David and Natasha when she joins the family medical practice."  Christine Lahti stars.

"The Doctor" is in

First Impressions: I don’t like the title, but I do like Lahti for this.  This sounds like a show with potential, especially on the heels of female led CBS standout, The Good Wife, and new family rooted hit, Blue Bloods. Overall: A-

Source Material: This appears to be a totally original idea that sounds…fairly original.  While there are lots of doctor shows out there, I can’t think of any about a family of doctors.  Yes, Grey’s and Private Practice have characters who are children of doctors or who have married each other, but those shows are more about romantic dramas and less about family dramas, which I think bodes well for CBS (considering, once again, the success of Blue Bloods). Overall: A-

Actual Idea: With a network like CBS, I think it’s not just about having a good idea, but having a show that fits with the network.  While this is true for every network, CBS seriously has a VERY streamlined schedule.  You know what a CBS show is: their comedies are multi-cam sitcoms (HIMYM, TBBT), and their dramas are harder procedurals with initials in the title about investigating crimes (the CSIs and NCISes), or softer procedurals with more emphasis on a strong lead/character relationships (The Mentalist, The Good Wife, Blue Bloods). They don’t do musicals, they don’t do supernatural, they don’t do dramas with 20 something leads, they don’t do comedy heavy dramas, and they don’t do serialized soapies (and when they have done any of these, the shows ultimately failed...Viva Laughlin, Moonlight, and probably the new comedy heavy The Defenders and CHAOS).  I think the lightest successful drama they have is Hawaii 5-0 and that's still a cop procedural that’s more cool/CSI Miamiesque than actually light or fluffy.  While I know some people call the network boring, I think CBS knows what works for them, and I happen to think that The Doctor sounds like a fit.  My only slight concern is that CBS doesn’t have a doctor show right now…but they didn’t have a lawyer show before The Good Wife, so, maybe that doesn’t matter.  Overall: A

Show Title: This is my biggest problem with the show so far.  First of all, Lahti already starred in a good William Hurt film called The Doctor in the early 90s.  Secondly, it’s so freakin’ bland (though I think simplicity is better than something gimmicky).  Luckily, I noticed Deadline Hollywood is now calling it Untitled Medical Drama (fka The Doctor), so I think that title is dead.  Please think of something a tad more unique, even The Family Doctor, would be better than just The Doctor. Overall: C (would be an F, but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt to try to change it).

Writer: Rina Mimoun.  I didn't see the first show Mimoun created, Privileged, but this is obviously quite different.  I was, however, a big fan of other shows Mimoun wrote for, especially Everwood, Gilmore Girls, and the sadly short lived Pushing Daisies. I think Mimoun has written some darn good stuff, but without reading this script, I worry it might have too much of an ABC or CW vibe (too young, too soapy, too light) based on her past work. No knock against her for that, it’s just like I said, shows that succeed on CBS fit in a really small box...hopefully, this show fits in that box. Overall: B+ (for the possible CBS clash only).

Cast: Lahti is great and due for a new hit after going MIA for a while.  She has this air of authority which has gotten her cast as a doctor before (on Chicago Hope).  I think the best thing about her for this show on this network is that she also has a seriousness/darkness.  As I said, the network doesn’t really do light and soapy so it’s key that a leading lady feels more serious (like Julianna Margulies) and less Desperate Housewives.  Also, Lahti can probably balance out those lighter CW/ABCish things I mentioned about Mimoun’s writing.  Her kids will be played by Eva Amurri (ooh I like!) …and Scott Foley.  Hmm…there’s that CWishness creeping up again…I loved Foley on Felicity, but that does worry me just a tad.  Kyle Maclachlan is in this too, he says soapy/ABC to me, also…but he’s definitely got an edge, and is muy talented. Overall: A-

Director: David Nutter.  A lot of TV and a lot of pilots in a lot of different genres (Smallville, The West Wing, Band of Brothers, Supernatural, Without a Trace, Entourage, etc.). He did The Mentalist pilot which I thought was very well done, so I have confidence that he knows how to get it done for CBS (plus he’s an extremely experienced TV director).  If the show has a problem, I don’t think it will be because of him.  Overall: A

Producer: Rina Mimoun.  See the Writer section above. Overall: B+ (for the possible tone clash, again).


Overall Grade: B+/A-

Will it get picked up? Yes.  This show gets my highest grade so far, and while it might seem like a slam dunk, there are also a few question marks for me including the lack of another successful doctor show on CBS and what the tone of the show will be (since I haven't read it).  In the end, I think Lahti is still a star and this feels right for CBS, so, I think it’s gotta be a go.

Will it survive season 1? Yes.  I’m gonna bet on this being the newest CBS hit.  I think Mimoun and Lahti are both talented, and I think The Good Wife shows a female led drama can attract viewers on CBS.

Will it be good/will I watch?  I think so, and yes.  I’d definitely tune into the first episode, and if the writing and characters are compelling, I’ll probably keep tuning in (despite the fact that the formulaicness of medical procedurals tends to wear on me quickly...just my own personal taste).

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